Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Update. Date and location change for my mission trip.

God had other plans for us, so we did not go to Panama in 2013 BUT I am still in need of prayer and financial partners for my second mission trip!  My first to Manipur India had over 150 people profess saving faith in Jesus Christ(over 1100 for the group of 17 we had) and we handed out many New Testaments. (if you are interested in additional information on that trip, let me know)   Lord willing, we will be in the Amazon Jungle in Pucallpa, Peru from August 16th through the 22nd of 2014, and I hope that you will remember us in prayer. We will be taking a riverboat up into the Amazon and assisting new believers with the building of a church, and will be evangelizing with Gospels of John in Spanish. We will also be teaching the new believers and teaching.  I am nervous and excited at the same time especially as my daughter Kianna will be with me and learning to serve as a missionary as well.  

Please feel no obligation to support me, I appreciate your prayers and I believe that you are only rewarded for what you give freely, not what you do out of obligation.  God will provide.  

The cost for the trip is $1199 x 2 + 731.54 x 2 airfare to include my daughter, and our plane tickets are already purchased.    Please contact me via email at Trentgh7@hotmail.com, or call me with any questions at 951-256-4579.  Your prayers for many to believe, and my safety are very much appreciated.  Thank you in advance for your prayers.   I will give a report when I return.