"this is a note from my dad who is a missionary."
Dear Praying friends,
Last week I read a book published in 1954, titled “The Bible in World Evangelism.” This little book gave examples from all over the world of many ministries and churches that were launched simply by providing a Gospel or New Testament in the language of the people. Examples were given from the time of the early church up to the early 1950’s. This book indicated that the more prominent the role of scripture has been in evangelism, the more effective and fruitful that evangelism has been. Often the word of God was sold inexpensively to whoever responded to the sales presentation. At other times there was a wide distribution of the scriptures free to all who would take them. Most frequently a Gospel or Testament was handed out to specific individuals who showed interest. The best results were when a word of testimony or some statement was made creating an interest in individuals.
In addition to occasionally giving out Gospels of John to people I interact with here in Southern California, on my mission trips each year, I have given out a few Gospels of John or evangelistic tracts in several languages. Usually this distribution has been accompanied with a brief word of testimony, or explanation of what it is that I have given them. Reading “The Bible in World Evangelism” convinced me that I should be more involved in passing out Gospels this year. Therefore I am going to purchase and distribute more Gospels of John in each language of the different countries I am in. This will require very tight packing! Most of us need to do more to get others reading and listening to the scriptures.
In addition to returning to some places of prior ministry, there are some exciting new opportunities for you to pray about. I am in contact with ministries and churches in new locations including Belgium, Northern France, Germany and the Republic of Georgia. Please join with me in asking the Master Scheduler to map out this mission for me so that I know where, when and how long I am to be in each city.
Plans are already moving ahead to return to Kharkov, Ukraine to work with the pastor I worked with two years ago. This will include some village churches and possibly teaching at the “School Without Walls” in that city. An opportunity to minister in Muenster, Germany is to be decided late this month. Please pray with me that the team making the decision will be lead of God whether to invite me or not. Also I need prayer as to whether I should return to Simferopol, Crimea where I have been involved in teaching at Universities and churches for the past five years.
Perhaps you have wondered about the significance of the name of this ministry. The name means that as you partner with me, so I partner overseas with various ministries. These ministries have included Campus Crusade for Christ, Partners in Evangelism, Christian Associates, Greater European Mission, Commonwealth International University (a Christian school in the Crimea) and pastors in various countries.
Thanks for your prayerful and financial investment in re-evangelizing Europe and equipping believers to live and witness for Christ.
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